By: Veronica Ortiz & Natalia Garcia ( USC Students)
You may probably not know what Neeuko is or maybe you’ve never even heard about it before. Well, Neeuko is an innovation center that helps different types of people develop their ideas. Because of its frameworks and business savvy factors; Neeuko creates important connections that drive you towards business success. Our team is made up of strong leaders and great communicators who bring fresh ideas and work hard as a team. Neeuko celebrates diversity by recruiting talented people who are passionate about what they do. It is a network of leadership and innovation that we have had the privilege to witness firsthand. Enthusiasm and determination are what makes us work together by investing time in collaboration.
Neeuko was introduced to us thanks to a class we were taking at the University of the Sacred Heart (Puerto Rico). Since the moment we walked in we felt more than welcome by the staff. We went in with big ideas. One of us wanted to develop an epilepsy foundation in the university and the other wanted to do a literature competition. With the help and support of the people of Neeuko, we are currently developing our projects and doing content marketing with them. Who would’ve guessed the impact that Neeuko had in our academic lives?. Let’s be honest not a lot of students, like ourselves, with theater and biology majors would find excitement in understanding business, design, and content marketing. They may think that these topics are unnecessary since they “won’t use it”, but that is where they’re wrong. Innovation isn’t just for business, it is always with us whenever we have an idea, no matter what we are studying to be. There’s millions of ideas that don’t get developed. Why? Because of the lack of determination ,support, and desire to develop completely content creation. Thanks to the unprecedented popularity of social media. The relationship between business and consumer has become more transparent or “out in the open”. Innovation is part of our lives whether we like it or not. Now more than ever, the entrepreneurial spirit has shifted into every workplace and mindset because information is at our fingertips.
The same way that Neeuko integrated and connected with us, is the same way they interact with the community and our university. Its objective is to promote a change in ingenuity. To help and promote future leaders; thats why Neeuko’s policies are constantly adjusting for the essential support towards the customer’s project(s). The key factor is change. But without the knowledge and/or initiative of innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership there can’t be a change.